We saw three spectacular shows - the dolphin/whale show, the seal/otter show and the Shamu show...jam packed with Orkas. It really amazed all of us how they train these creatures of the sea to do all these tricks. I have to admit I had chills for all of the shows. The music that accompanied the shows probably had a lot to do with that - very impacting!
Something which I did not know is that Sea World is an Anheuser-Busch park [like Busch Gardens] - so they have in the park a restaurant which serves *free* cups of beer. Paul liked this show best of all ;) They also have outside the restaurant the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales...*but* in the stable, what took the cake, was the donkey from that famous Super Bowl commercial. He was the sweetest-faced prettiest donkey hands down.
On our way out of the park we saw the water roller coaster and decided to take advantage of it...our last hoorah. John Paul and Sophia were tall enough to ride so we just left Joseph [who threw a tantrum the whole time we were gone...sorry Oma] and Charlie with Oma and Opa while the seven of us road in one "boat". I wish now that we would've bought the picture they take as you're going down a rollercoaster, because NOTHING was funnier than the faces on those kids! John Paul and Sophia, first-timers, had NO clue what they were in for - and after that first hill Sophia was ready to climb out of the boat! - so when the next and last hill came upon us they were petrified...well, I *know* Sophia was, Paul and I think John Paul liked the ride, but could've done without the water! [thanks, Opa ;)]
On Saturday we really just vegged out and enjoyed visiting. The little ones played in the sprinkler, Dani and I played frisbee [we got pretty good after a while!], movies were watched, books were read, and Hess trucks were abused. We went to Mass so we could leave Sunday morning. I had to add this picture of Charlie to show that he does indeed smile, and does so *all* the time, but none of the pictures I've posted here reflect that. He usually looks so....serious. So here is Charlie - amused by Dani.
Saturday night was pure entertainment as Oma displayed [in the hopes of pawning off!] her wardrobe to Kayla and Dani. We had two takers and - to Oma's dismay - only two items. Dani got her army-green short overalls [to go with all her beloved camo] and Kayla got a really nice sweater...just her style! For Paul and I it was entertainment at its finest! I will never forget that night as Oma was so cute and so funny! What a dear lady she is. We love her so much!
Thank you, Oma and Opa, for such a great time. Building memories for our children is such a treasure. God bless you!
Sunday morning we were off to Atlanta. We got back in great time and came home to a nice clean house and dinner cooking for us thanks to my sister, Karen, and my mom and dad. You are the best! Thank you so much for your generousity!