Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pasta Baby: Take Two ------>

Forget the jar baby food! As soon as Charlie saw the kiddos eating spaghetti for dinner - he screamed - demanding to have some. I just know he remembered how much he loves that saucy meal! And there was a lot of sauce!

Not the most fun thing to clean either! [the spaghetti, that is] Thank God for our dog! And She's thanking us for the baby!

After each couple handfuls he'd *scream* to have more. Nevermind there was tons of it on his tray - it just wasn't in the huge heap anymore! So...we'd have to push it all back into a mound for him.

I don't understand how in the world a little belly could hold so much spaghetti. When he was eating who knows how much was actually making it into his mouth - but then I started shoveling it in with his spoon. He was getting some major food down.

He loved his bath afterwards - that is, until he choked on some water! :O


Vicki said...

Oh, I remember those days - undressing in the kitchen and going straight to the bathtub! And aren't dogs great?

Kelly said...

Oh, how adorable!!