Thursday, June 9, 2011

Therese is now Eleven!

My lively girl is now 11 - I ask again: Where does the time go?

I surprised her with a muffin cake in the morning... (fyi, because of my mistake, do not place candles into hot/warm muffins ;)

St. Francis - her favorite saint

so giggley!

so silly
so beautiful
so creative



Happy Birthday to my sweet girl! We love you Therese - you light up our lives!


Jessica Gordon said...

Happy Birthday to Therese!!

Sara said...

Happy birthday, Therese! What happened to the candles??? Did you have to eat waxy muffins?

RAnn said...

Lovely young lady!

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ChrisP said...

Wow, 11 years old! I can't believe how quickly Therese is growing up. Happy 11th big girl!

Uncle Chris & Aunt Nina