I really feel badly for her - she wanted it long [and longer], but she also doesn't take care of it herself which makes for frustration between mama and dear daughter. It's not real pleasant to brush hair with tangles [maybe some food at times? :::shrugging shoulders:::] and to have the ear aches that come with the brushing. MY ear-aches... from her whining and moaning. So our bargain is this: You take care of your own hair - without all the fighting about it - and you can have it long. As long as you want it.
Fair? I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
And you'll notice in the pictures that it is still really long. Just not her kind of long
To Therese's credit, she is taking better care of her hair and will even attempt to pull it back. Hey, at least she tries :) We'll see how this goes.... ;)
And a couple weeks ago Joseph got so excited as he ran out the front door to go play to see that my rosebush had exploded with flowers. He ran back to the door, "Mommy the roses are out!" To which I was a little confused because a) he was SO excited and b) our neighbors last name is ROSE. The confusion was laid to rest when he appeared with two roses in his tiny hands -- one for me....
and one for himself. My first reaction was to reprimand him for picking my roses - but I saw his sweet face and sweeter gesture and just said, "thank you Joseph" [but kindly don't pick anymore ;)]
love the photos. I wish we were in summer clothes and eating watermelon.
The girls hair looks great. I am not game enough to cut our girls hair. I do the boys with clippers but just feel too nervous to cut the girls hair.
Makes we want to run out and buy some WATERMELON!
i cant believe she doesnt think that is long!! we are having the same argument with {r} right now. she wants me to let her grow it out but she screams whenever i brush it. stop screaming/crying and it can be as long as youd like.
The girls are so, so beautiful! They boys are...oh my goodness. I need to find some cheeks to pinch, quick or I'll go crazy (-er than usual, that is).
Such beautiful pictures!!!!
The watermelon photos are great! And the story of your little guy picking roses is adorable. I had the same reaction several weeks ago when my daughter picked the daffodils from the church garden that we live right behind ... But how could I be too mad? She was so innocent in it all =)
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