I was saying....
When we got done golfing, they gave the kids some pirate hats. Aren't they cute!?

We ate dinner at a restaurant which was right on the river. We sat outside on the deck overlooking it. It was pretty cool to see all the folks tubing down as we ate ~ some, not so much...eating or not! Charlie had his first lemon while we sat waiting for our order. The video we captured of that is really funny! Unlike Therese at that age...eating the WHOLE slice of lemon - peel and all! No grimace or anything. Nut.
Pink Tubes for Rent!!
When in Rome!
We ate ice-cream [Joseph and!], took a carriage ride and then we were off...heading home at 9pm. As we were driving I saw a sign that said "Atlanta" this way, which was a different way than the way we came. So Paul turned around and said, "Well, maybe this is a quicker way home". Oh, how those words would haunt us!!
The girls petting "Cadillac Jack" [not the horse who pulled us, however] - Kayla striking a pose
We drove, and drove, oh, and drove some more. Until it dawned on Paul where we were and how out-of-the-way we were! With Charlie screaming for a *solid* 2hrs - stressful is an understatement. Since Aunt Karen was sitting right next to him, she was the guilty party - in Charlie's eyes. I can only imagine what was going through his baby mind..."Why aren't you picking me up!!?? You're right there, Lady! I've been crying for hours! Hold me, hold me, HOLD ME!!" or something like that. Since I'm so easily amused, it struck me as funny as I recalled how Paul said "Well, maybe this is a quicker way". So with Paul dreading this drive, Charlie screaming, kids bickering...I turned around to Karen and struck this pose of a t-shirt we had seen at Helen! Hey, we had to keep it fun, right Karen?!
We had such a great time. And I think we all thanked God for the unusually beautiful July weather - as well as some wonderous mountainous views!
Oh gosh, the screaming and being lost late at night! My sympathies, my friend!
Nice Blog, Thanks for sending
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