Thursday, July 5, 2007

Do You Bumbo?

Our neighbor was so excited to let us borrow one of her "bumbo seats" for Baby Charlie - then 5 months old. She said that when her twin girls used them that she could easily get 30mins free time. I must say that these little seats work great. They totally conform to the baby. As long as the baby can hold his head up, he can sit in this seat. Although I'm lucky to get 30 seconds of free time out of this contraption - this invention is truly COOL! Plus, Charlie looks so darn adorable looking up at we whiz by him! You can see him pleading for someone to *save* him! LOL! A minute later...he's back in our arms. Oh well!

1 comment:

Katherine T. Lauer said...

What a beautiful shock of dark hair Charlie possesses! And those eyes! Although its use was short-lived, see my use of the Bumbo seat here: