I'm a sucker for dimples. I could end the story there, but I won't. Some of you may be pleading that I don't go on - sorry, you'll just have to suffer through it! This will be the condensed version...for my sake and yours.
It all began in 1988...[envision Wayne's World "doodleoo doodleoo doodleoo" dream-visual]...we had moved from Georgia back up to Cleveland so my dad could start his own business - not that he couldn't have done it here, in the ATL, but he grew up there and knew lots of people. So we left - kicking and screaming. I don't think any of us really wanted to go. I know for me - being 20 at the time - I decided to go 2 days before my parents were actually leaving. [around this time...as I was deciding what to do...I prayed and trusted in God and *knew* I was going with my parents to meet my husband! Not a lot of Catholics in Georgia at that time and I knew I would only marry someone who was. So that was my "leap of faith"]
I got a job at a grocery store and made fast friends. Then I got an additional job at a bank. For a while I juggled both jobs in addition to going out with my friends and co-workers to enjoy the "night life" in Painesville, Ohio!
There was this 80's dance club called Spanky's that we went to frequently. Thursday was "Ladies Night". It was on one of these "Ladies Nights" that my life changed.
I think I need to back up here. I was born in Painesville, OH - had moved to Georgia in 7th grade, and was back in Ohio where my story takes place. So I had "history" there ;o)
I was sitting down at a table with my group and saw this guy on the dance floor. He looked so very familiar to me. [I was always recognizing people I had gone to school with at St. Mary's before I moved to GA] I approached him and asked if he was "Karl [last name]". "No," he said, "but I'm Paul [last name]!" [his brother was a year ahead of us in school, hence the mix-up!]. So he asked me to dance. I accepted. And when we got on to the dance floor and he "busted a move" I wished I had declined! [To this day he knows that he dances like Fred Flintstone!] I don't remember the song or anything else - except how I couldn't wait for the song to end! Thank God it did end and we sat down at a table to talk. It was then that I noticed his smile - I tried not to look at him on the dance floor...I was too embarrassed for him, and for me!! His smile melted my heart.
We went out the very next night and the rest, as they say, is history! Getting to know him opened my eyes to such a sensitive, caring and very loving person. So it was very funny as we laid in bed this morning trying to figure out what we're going to do tonight, when Paul said, "I don't know, but we'll do something. Probably dinner....and dancing."!!!
I love you, Paul! You never cease to amaze me as I grow up. How God has blessed me. Happy 17th Anniversary, Honey!

An added note: You know that commercial where the guy comes out onto his patio - where there's a bbq going on - in nothing but his speedos and his wife stops talking to her circle of friends and just looks at him...shaking her head as if to say "uuuuuuhhhh...not a good idea"? Well, I had to do this to Paul a couple weekends ago when he decided he was going to show the neighbors at the block party how well he can dance. "uuuuuuhhhh...not a good idea"!
Awww, what a sweet story! :-) I just love these "when we first met" stories! To think about how your entire life changes in just that moment of meeting - it's just beyond awesome!! Happy Anniversary!!! :-)
What a wonderful story! Happy Anniversary to a great couple!!!!
yeah...! i love that story!
I'm going to look for the Flinstone music right now! I want to see Paul dance!
If you want to see Paul dance, I suggest some good 80's dance music...
And for a good laugh, watch him dance while I sneak into another room!
You're all full of it, I am a great dancer! twinlke toes Flintstone they call me
heehee, good one! I know what you mean about the "handicap". My husband has been afflicted too. I don't think there's any help for him...but I love him anyway!
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