Friday, September 21, 2007

Blopping with Square Watermelons

Okay, so when dh is oot and the kids are in bed and I don't really want to watch the junk on t.v. and I don't want to do laundry which really is out of control right now - I like to blop, besides post run-on sentences. But I like to blop - and usually blop on the Catholic Mothers blogroll which takes me to other blogs and so on and so on...hence the name "blopping" or Blog Hopping. Never heard this used before. I kinda made it up. Well, my husband thinks that's cool.

Anyway, look what I found at Aussie Coffee Shop. I mean, look[!], just look at what craziness they can come up with and actually do! Makes some of my ideas look sane - right, Honey? :O)


Therese said...

I liked them too.

Thanks for calling by my blog. I am glad you liked the square watermelon.

I love your third dd name. :::grin:::

EC Gefroh said...

Aloha Shelly. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a nice blog here. Who is the singer in that catchy little tune that plays? Also, if you aren't already in our Catholic Homeschooling directory, please consider joining.
God bless,