Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Two Year Old's Bragging Rights!

One of the milestones in a toddlers life is opening doors. As parents [I think I can speak for all parents here] we hate this feat. Yes, hate is a strong word...and I mean it!

The other not-looking-forward-to milestone is when they finally realize they can turn on the lights! This is where Joseph is at.

For the past couple months he'd go around with some long object - always his sword - and use that to flip the switch on the lights. Within the last couple days though, he's found out that he doesn't need anything except his tippy toes to reach the switches. Hence another of my nightly chores is to shut off all the lights he's decided to turn on! In a few more months he'll be able to shut them off too.

So hooray for Joseph! You're getting to be such a big boy! :O)


Rosemary said...

It's so fascinating to watch them grow and learn what they can do, isn't it. (Also a little scary:-)

Karrot's Blog said...

Yeah Joseph!!!



Christina Martin said...

I may never figure out why my parish put those pull-down lever doorhandles in the cry room, at the right height for a tall 1 1/2 year old... and one of them around the corner from the rest of the cry room, so you can't see it from any of the chairs!