I went to a Pampered Chef party. My very first one. I must say when I told people that their mouths dropped to the floor. I've been invited to many, but never went for whatever reason. The friend who hosted the party did it as part of a fundraiser that her kids are doing for Food for the Poor. Truly an amazing family! More to come on what I ordered...
I had a surprise at this party. The Pampered Chef consultant was a friend I went to Catholic grade school with! It was so cool. I love those little surprises that God gives us. Just to keep us on our toes :O)
Paul is finishing part of our basement off. So this afternoon was dedicated to the "drywall stage". This is the part I like. You know - where you can see results and the room...well, looks like a room.
At any rate, he is very satisfied that it's coming along so well and that he's at this stage in the game. It means his office is that much closer to completion.
And finally - I took 5 of the kiddos to some thrift stores to find things for their costumes on All Hallows Eve - otherwise known as Halloween. The only one out of the 3 girls who knew what she wanted to be was Dani. Any guesses? Here's a hint: camo is involved.
So we found some things for her and got a back-up camo hat just in case hers wasn't found in time!
Therese will be a leopard - that was easy..."oh, look. Here's a leopard print shirt! You can be a leopard!" Done!
Sophia had no real clues on what to be. So, I found a funky-looking Ladies sweater and told her: "Look, you can be an owl!". Done!
Another post to follow on their costumes. Personally - I'm looking forward to the owl ;O)
Here they were last year [see Penny in the background by the door? :O) ]

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